Can I Gain Muscle On Keto?

3 min readMay 13, 2021

Is it possible to build muscle on ketogenic diet plus personalised meal and workout plan.

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

This is a very interesting topic but I would rather get into facts right away.

There was a study conducted looking at the ketogenic diet vs the standard western diet as it pertains to burning fat and building muscle at the same time.

The Journal of the International Society of Sports nutrition took a look at 26 test subjects. They wanted to find out the effects of ketogenic diet vs a standard American western diet(carb diet) on the effects of overall muscle and fat loss.

The gave one group a traditional ketogenic style diet. This included 75% fat, 5% carbs and 20% proteins. The traditional western diet group was given 55% carbs, 20% protein and 2% fat. They studied them for 11 weeks and found out that the low carb ketogenic high fat group ended up building 2.1KG more muscle than the other group and they also burned 2.2 KG more fat than the other group. So they built more muscle and simultaneously burnt more fat than the carbohydrate diet. Providing you can build muscle and burn fat on the keto genetic diet.

Keto Diet Misconceptions

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

One misconception people make is that they think they need a lot of protein to gain muscle.You actually require less protein when in ketosis to trigger muscle growth. Beta-hydroxybutyrate is produced in your body while in ketosis. This is an organic compound used as an energy source alternative to carbohydrates by brain when blood glucose is low.

People also tend to say your body will waste away and loose all you muscle when you are on a keto diet. Not the case at all Beta-hydroxybutyrate compound can preserves muscle from breaking down. It slows the process down as long as you have enough calories to ensure you are not dropping too much weight.

The Journal of Clinical Investigation published a study on Beta-hydroxybutyrate. This study revealed that compound promoted protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the process of cells generating new proteins. The compound didn’t just stop the break down of protein but promoted protein synthesis. This means that having ketones in your blood encouraged your body to build more muscle.

Getting your body into ketosis state and maintaining it can be a bit difficult. Find the right foods to eat and right workouts/training plan for a ketosis diet for different goals (fat loss, muscle building or just for health lifestyle).

I recommend you try the KetoFitToday program

KetoFitToday: This program offers a personalised plan to assist in fat reduction, building muscle or staying healthy depending on your needs. The solution integrates intermittent fasting, workout plan , keto and vegan diet plan to fit your lifestyle and achieve ultimate success. The meals are easy to make and they give you 100% money back guarantee. You will need to complete a 60-second quiz so the site can gather the required data about you for your personalised plan.




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